District of Columbia
Court of Appeals
Appellate E-Filing System
C-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts
Case Information: 19-AA-0461
Short Caption:SHANIFINNE BALL V. D.C. ZONING COMMISSIONClassification:Agency - Administrative Agency - Zoning Commission
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:2010-ZC-000016Filed Date:05/29/2019

Opening Event Date:05/29/2019Case Status:Decided/Dismissed
Record Completed:Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:
Mandate Issued:09/06/2019

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
IntervenorRanger Sagamore Florida Avenuem, LLCN
Philip T. EvansNY
IntervenorMOB Hotel DC, LLCN
Philip T. EvansNY
PetitionerShaniFinne BallNPro SeN
RespondentD.C. Zoning CommissionN
Loren L. AliKhanNY

Event DateStatusDescriptionResultPDF
05/29/2019FiledPetition For Review
06/13/2019FiledFiling Fee Paid
06/17/2019FiledORDER DIRECTING petitioner to tender the $100 filing fee within 10 days... F/O DIRECTING petitioner to show cause within 20 days...
06/19/2019FiledNotice Of Intent To Intervene (Intervenor MOB Hotel DC, LLC, Intervenor Ranger Sagamore Florida Avenuem, LLC)
07/22/2019FiledMotion For Leave to File a response to the show cause order dated June 17, 2019 (Petitioner)Granted
08/15/2019FiledORDER GRANTING petitioner's motion to file the lodged response... F/O DISMISSING the petition for review for lack of standing...
08/15/2019FiledResponse To Order To Show Cause (Petitioner)
08/15/2019FiledOpposition to motion for leave to file response (Intervenor Ranger Sagamore Florida Avenuem, LLC)