District of Columbia
Court of Appeals
Appellate E-Filing System
C-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts
Case Information: 20-CV-0318
Short Caption:MORGAN BANKS, ET AL V. DAVID H. HOFFMAN, ET AL.Classification:Appeals - Civil - General Civil (CAB)
Superior Court or Agency Case Number:2017-CA-005989-BFiled Date:04/06/2020

Opening Event Date:04/06/2020Case Status:Calendared
Record Completed:12/08/2020Post-Decision Matter Pending:
Briefs Completed:07/20/2021
Disposition:Next Scheduled Action:En Banc Argument
Mandate Issued:

Party Information
Appellate RoleParty NameIFPAttorney(s)Arguing AttorneyE-Filer
Amicus CuriaePublic Interest Advocacy OrganizationsN
Laura R. HandmanYY
Eric J. FederNY
Amicus CuriaeReporters Committee for Freedom of the PressN
Katie TownsendYY
Amicus Curiae24 Media OrganizationsN
Katie TownsendYY
Amicus CuriaeCouncil of the District of ColumbiaN
Daniel P. GoldenNY
Lauren R.S. MendonsaYY
Amicus CuriaeNational Women's Law Center and 12 Individual & Organizational Survivor AdvocatesN
Landis Cox BestYY
Amicus CuriaeTechFreedomN
Bilal SayyedYY
AppellantMorgan BanksN
John B. WilliamsNY
Bonny J. ForrestYY
AppellantDebra DunivinN
John B. WilliamsNY
Bonny J. ForrestYY
AppellantLarry JamesN
John B. WilliamsNY
Bonny J. ForrestYY
AppelleeDavid H. HoffmanN
John K. VillaNY
Thomas G HentoffYY
AppelleeSidley Austin, LLPN
John K. VillaNY
Thomas G HentoffYY
AppelleeSidley Austin, (DC) LLPN
John K. VillaNY
Thomas G HentoffYY
AppelleeAmerican Psychological AssociationN
Barbara S. WahlYY
Randall A. BraterNY
Rebecca W. ForemanNY
AppelleeDistrict of ColumbiaN
Carl J. SchifferleYY
James C. McKay, Jr.NY
Caroline Van ZileNY

Event DateStatusDescriptionResultPDF
04/06/2020FiledNotice Of Appeal
04/27/2020FiledRecord Index
05/01/2020FiledNotice to the Court regarding DCCA Rule 44 (Appellant Banks)
06/10/2020FiledMotion To Appear Pro Hac Vice (Appellant Banks)Granted
06/11/2020FiledMotion To Expedite Appeal (Appellant Banks)Denied
06/18/2020FiledOpposition to motion to expedite (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)
06/18/2020FiledOpposition to the motion to expedite (Appellee District of Columbia)
06/22/2020FiledReply to Appellees' opposition to the motion to expedite appeal (Appellant Banks)
06/23/2020FiledORDER GRANTING motion for Bonny J. Forest to appear pro hac vice... F/O DENYING appellants' motion to expedite appeal
06/25/2020FiledOrder Directing Mediation Screening Statement
07/01/2020FiledMediation Screening Statement
07/02/2020FiledReferred to Mediation
07/07/2020FiledScreened Out
07/09/2020FiledStatement Regarding Transcript(s)
10/19/2020FiledStatement advising the court that Bonny J. Forrest, Esq. will remain lead counsel for Banks, Dunivin and James for all purposes in this appeal. (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
12/04/2020FiledSupplemental Record #1 (53 pages/tape) 2/8/19 proceeding
12/04/2020FiledSupplemental Record #2 (45 pages/tape) 2/14/19 proceeding
12/04/2020FiledSupplemental Record #3 (107 pages/tape) 2/21/19 proceeding
12/08/2020FiledSupplemental Record #4 (10 pages-tape) 9/14/18 proceeding
12/08/2020FiledSupplemental Record #5 (50 pages-tape) 9/6/19 proceeding
12/08/2020FiledSupplemental Record #6 (17 pages-tape) 11/1/19 proceeding
12/08/2020FiledRecord Completed
12/09/2020FiledOrder Screening Out & Briefing Order & Order Directing John K. Villa, Esquire, to register for the court's mandatory e-filing pursuant to Administrative Order 1-18 forthwith.
12/28/2020FiledMotion to Exceed Page Limitations (Appellant Banks)Granted
12/31/2020FiledResponse to the motion to exceed page limit (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)
01/04/2021FiledReply to Appellees' response to the motion to exceed page limits (Appellant Banks)
01/12/2021FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellant Banks)Granted
01/19/2021FiledOrder Granting appellants' motion for an extension of time and to file a brief that exceeds the page limits and appellant shall, no later than January 25, 2021, file their joint appendix and consolidated brief that does not exceed 70 pages. The briefs of appellees shall be filed 30 days thereafter.
01/25/2021FiledBrief (Appellant Banks)
01/25/2021FiledAppendix (attached to brief) (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
02/10/2021FiledJoint Motion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee District of Columbia, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)Granted
02/16/2021FiledOrder Granting Joint Motion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee District of Columbia, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)
04/02/2021FiledJoint Motion For Extension Of Time to File Brief (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee District of Columbia, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)Granted
04/05/2021FiledOpposition to Second Motion of Appellees and Intervenor for Extension of Time to File Briefs and Clarification of the Record (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
04/21/2021FiledOrder Granting Joint Motion For Extension Of Time to File Brief to 4/26/21 (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee District of Columbia, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)
04/26/2021FiledBrief (Appellee District of Columbia)
04/26/2021FiledBrief (Appellee American Psychological Association)
04/26/2021FiledBrief (Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)
06/03/2021FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Reply Brief (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)Granted
06/08/2021FiledOrder Granting Motion For Extension Of Time to File Reply Brief to 7/19/21 (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
07/19/2021FiledReply Brief (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
07/19/2021FiledLetter Received (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
07/20/2021FiledBriefing Completed
08/30/2021FiledACTION - Ready for Calendaring - Regular
09/03/2021FiledCounsel's Motion to Withdraw (Appellee District of Columbia)Granted
02/28/2022FiledACTION - Calendar notice sent
03/07/2022FiledAppearance of James McKay, Jr. (Appellee District of Columbia)
03/08/2022FiledMotion To Strike brief (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)Denied
03/09/2022FiledOrder Granting Appellee District of Columbia counsel Mark Wigley's motion to withdraw
03/15/2022FiledOpposition to Motion to Strike (Appellee District of Columbia)
03/18/2022FiledReply in Support of Motion to Strike Brief (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
03/18/2022FiledLetter Including Updated Links to All E-Briefs by All Parties (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
03/22/2022FiledAppearance by Randall A Brater, Esq. (Appellee American Psychological Association)
03/22/2022FiledCounsel's Motion to Withdraw (Appellee American Psychological Association)Granted
04/07/2022FiledRule 28(k) Citation Of Supplemental Authority (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
04/13/2022FiledRule 28(k) Citation Of Supplemental Authority (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)
04/19/2022FiledOrder Granting Counsel's (Appellee American Psychological Association) Motion to Withdraw
04/20/2022FiledArgued before Chief Judge Blackburne-Rigsby, Associate Judge Howard, and Senior Judge Thompson. (Bonny J. Forrest, Esq. for appellant Morgan Banks) (Thomas G. Hentoff, Esq. for appellee David D. Hoffman and Sidley Austin, LLP) (Barbara S. Wahl, Esq. for appellee American Psychological Association) (Jim C. McKay, Jr., Esq. for appellee District of Columbia)
09/07/2023VacatedReversed And Remanded by Opinion
09/20/2023FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Petition for Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc (Appellee American Psychological Association, Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)Granted
09/28/2023FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Petition For Rehearing/Rehearing En Banc (Appellee District of Columbia)Granted
09/29/2023FiledChange Of Address Received From Kirk Jenkins
10/03/2023FiledOrder Granting appellees' motions and appellees' petitions for rehearing or rehearing en banc shall be filed on or before October 19, 2023.
10/19/2023FiledPetition For Rehearing/Rehearing En Banc (Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)Granted in Part/Denied in Part
10/19/2023FiledPetition For Rehearing/Rehearing En Banc (Appellee American Psychological Association)Granted in Part/Denied in Part
10/19/2023FiledPetition For Rehearing/Rehearing En Banc (Appellee District of Columbia)Granted in Part/Denied in Part
10/26/2023FiledMotion For Leave to File amici curiae brief Brief (Amicus Curiae)Granted
10/27/2023FiledMotion For Leave to File Brief (Amicus Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press &24 Media Organizations )Granted
11/09/2023FiledORDER directing respondent, within 14 days from the date of the order, to file a response to the petitioners' petition for rehearing or rehearing en banc.
11/13/2023FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File Responses to Petitions and Supporting Briefs for Rehearing and Rehearing En Banc (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)Granted
11/15/2023FiledOrder Granting appellants' motion and appellants' response to appellees' petitions and supporting briefs for rehearing and rehearing en banc shall be filed on or before December 22, 2023.
11/16/2023FiledOrder Granting Public Interest Advocacy Organizations' and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 24 Media Organizations' motions, and the Clerk shall file Public Interest Advocacy Organizations and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 24 Media Organizations' amicus curiae's briefs.
11/16/2023FiledBrief (Redacted) (Public Interest Advocacy Organizations' (Amicus Curiae)
11/16/2023FiledBrief (Redacted) Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 24 Media Organizations (Amicus Curiae )
12/21/2023FiledMotion To File Excess-Paged (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)Granted
01/08/2024FiledOrder Granting appellants' motion, and the Clerk shall file appellants' lodged response to appellees' petitions for rehearing or rehearing en banc and amicus curiae briefs.
01/08/2024FiledResponse to Appellee's Petition for Rehearing/ Rehearing En Banc (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
01/23/2024FiledOrder Denying appellees' petitions for rehearing.
01/23/2024FiledOrder Granting Petition For Rehearing En Banc and directing briefs.
01/31/2024FiledMotion For Extension of Time and to File a consolidated opening Brief (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)Granted
02/20/2024FiledOrder Granting appellants' motion and appellants' consolidated brief of up to 75 pages shall be filed on or before February 29, 2024. Appellees' brief shall be filed on or before April 8, 2024.
02/28/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
04/04/2024FiledAppearance by Rebecca W. Foreman, Esq. (Appellee American Psychological Association)
04/08/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Appellee District of Columbia)
04/09/2024FiledMotion for Leave to File En Banc Brief (Appellee American Psychological Association) (Redacted)Granted
04/09/2024FiledMotion for Leave to File En Banc Brief on April 9, 2024 (Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP) (Redacted)Granted
04/15/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Amicus Curiae Council of the District of Columbia)
04/15/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Amicus Curiae Public Interest Advocacy Organizations)
04/15/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Amicus Curiae National Women's Law Center and 12 Individual & Organizational Survivor Advocates)
04/15/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Amicus Curiae TechFreedom)
04/17/2024FiledMotion For Leave to File Brief (Amicus Curiae 32 Media Organizations, Amicus Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press)Granted
04/22/2024FiledMotion For Extension Of Time to File consolidated reply (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)Granted
05/13/2024FiledRedaction Certificate (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
07/15/2024FiledCounsel's Motion to Withdraw (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)Granted
08/27/2024FiledRule 28(k) Citation of Supplemental Authority (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
08/29/2024FiledRule 28(k) Citation Of Supplemental Authority (Appellee District of Columbia)
09/30/2024FiledLetter To Counsel/Party Re Future Calendaring
10/09/2024FiledOrder Granting appellees' American Psychological Association, and Sidley Austin LLP, Sidley Austin (DC) and David H. Hoffman motions for leave to file the lodged en banc briefs and the Clerk shall file the en banc briefs of appellees American Psychological Association, and Sidley Austin LLP, Sidley Austin (DC) and David H. Hoffman.
10/09/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Appellee American Psychological Association)
10/09/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Appellee Hoffman, Appellee Sidley Austin, (DC) LLP, Appellee Sidley Austin, LLP)
10/09/2024FiledOrder Granting The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 32 Media Organizations' motion for leave to file the lodged brief as amici curiae in support of appellees and the Clerk shall file the brief of amici curiae The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 32 Media Organizations.
10/09/2024FiledBrief (Redacted) (Amicus Curiae 32 Media Organizations, Amicus Curiae Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press)
10/09/2024FiledOrder Granting appellant's motion for an extension of time to file a reply brief is granted, and the Clerk shall file appellant's reply brief.
10/09/2024FiledReply Brief (Redacted) (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
10/09/2024FiledOrder Granting appellants' motion to withdraw the appearance of Kirk C. Jenkins, Esquire, as co-counsel of record and the appearance of Kirk C. Jenkins, Esquire, is hereby withdrawn.
10/11/2024FiledRedaction Certificate (Amicus Curiae Council of the District of Columbia)
10/11/2024FiledMotion to Participate in Oral Argument (Redacted) (Amicus Curiae Council of the District of Columbia)Granted
10/18/2024FiledOrder that the Public Interest Advocacy Organizations, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, 24 Media Organizations, the National Women's Law Center and 12 Individual & Organizational Survivor Advocates, and Tech Freedom shall, if they also seek to participate in oral argument file, within 15 days from the date of this order, a motion to participate in oral argument. F/O that the Council's motion will be held in abeyance pending further order of the court.
11/12/2024FiledMotion to Cede Portion of Oral Argument Time to Amicus the Council of the District of Columbia (Redacted) (Appellee District of Columbia)Granted
11/12/2024FiledRedaction Certificate (Appellee District of Columbia)
12/05/2024FiledOrdered that the motions are granted and amicus curiae Council of the District of Columbia may use 10 of the 45 minutes of argument time allotted to appellees.
12/26/2024FiledRule 28(k) Citation Of Supplemental Authority (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)
12/30/2024FiledACTION - Calendar notice sent
02/13/2025FiledRule 28(k) Citation Of Supplemental Authority (Appellant Banks, Appellant Dunivin, Appellant James)